Saturday 25 June 2011

Harris to raise need for Fire Service Reform with Environment Minister

Wicklow TD, Simon Harris, is to raise the need for reform of the fire service with the Minister for the Environment, Mr Phil Hogan TD. Currently issues regarding the Wicklow Fire Service in past times are proceeding before the courts.

Speaking on the need for reform, Deputy Harris said, “I have today lodged a number of Parliamentary Questions to the Minister of the Environment regarding the need for a National Fire Authority and I have also asked for his view on the process of call vetting.”

“I have stressed to the Minister the importance of ensuring uniformity of procedure when it comes to fire services throughout the country. I know that this is an issue my party has pursued vigorously in the past and I believe such a reform would create the potential for significant efficiencies and improvements to the current service.”

“While the court service is now destined to look into issues of the past, in my role as a new TD for Wicklow I am determined that moving forward every possible action is taken to ensure the best possible fire service and the best possible supports for our hard working fire-fighters.”

Harris raises need for Ireland to finally establish missing children’s hotline

4 years after the EU designated the number “116000” as a specific pan-EU hotline to co-ordinate and assist in missing children investigations, Ireland has yet to set up this hotline.
Wicklow Fine Gael TD, Simon Harris has raised in the Dáil the need for Ireland to prioritise the establishment of a missing children’s hotline in line with European plans announced 4 years ago to have all EU countries work together and co-ordinate on this important issue.

Deputy Harris table an adjournment motion on the matter and the issue was taken in Dáil Éireann yesterday evening (Thursday).
Speaking in the Dáil, Deputy Harris said, “In 2007 the EU created a designated number – 11600 – as a single point of contact across the EU to assist with missing children investigations. The purpose of the hotline was three fold; to take calls regarding missing children and liaise with the police, to provide a point of support and guidance for parents and family members of missing children and to support and help co-ordinate on-going investigative efforts. Yet four years have now passed and Ireland has yet to establish this designated number here in our country.”
“This is an important matter pertaining to the well-being of every child in Ireland and the State act to ensure that we do not become the European ‘poor relation’ on this issue. I believe 13 EU countries have already established this hotline and it is now longer overdue time that Ireland got its act together on this issue,” stated Deputy Harris.

“The response to my raising of this issue in the Dáil from the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs was positive and she has undertaken to advance the matter and has she has also now written to the Minister for Justice to co-ordinate efforts with his Department. I intend to continue to pursue this matter with the Government and would urge that the Department of Children liaise with the NGOs and charities in Ireland who have already done so much good work in the area of supporting children and attempt to harness the expertise they have garnered. I also intend to write to the European Commission on this matter,” concluded Deputy Harris.

Harris attends opening of community garden project in Fassaroe

Wicklow Fine Gael TD, Simon Harrris today (Friday) attended the opening of the new community garden project in Fassaroe at the Little Bray Community Centre.
Speaking after the event, Deputy Harris said, "It's really great to see a community pulling together to deliver such a project. This community garden project is a credit to all those involved and it should be replicated in other parts of Bray."
"Sincere congratulations to all those involved in the project and I look forward to returning and sampling the new locally grown and produced vegetables soon!" concluded Deputy Harris